An intelligent solution for your ePrescribing needs.
DxScript/+EPCS/+PDMP ePrescribing cloud-based solution can be implemented within 24 hours of enrollment so you can begin prescribing within 1 hour after training.
solutions for today’s medical practice.
Mobile Devices
DxScript® supports iPhone, iPad and Android mobile devices.
Seamlessly access relevant clinical data for any given patient, from a third party EHR / EMR/ PMS system, utilizing “single sign-on” technology and bi-directional data transfers.
DxScript® is Exostar, Surescripts and Drummond certified and fully pen-tested.
24/7 Customer Support
Fully trained customer support engineers are ready to assist by phone or email at no additional cost.
Demo Video
Watch a video demo and see DxScript in action.

Get Everything You Need With DxScript/+EPCS /+PDMP
DxScript/+EPCS/+PDMP is a HIPAA compliant, Surescripts™ and EPCS certified, cloud-based ePrescribing solution that puts insurance, Real Time Benefits Check (RTBC), On Demand Formulary (ODF) and Electronic Prior Authorization (ePA) at the provider’s fingertips at the point of prescribing. We maintain a database of the most up to date FDA and DEA released medications as well as nationwide pharmacies. Our electronic PDR provides our users real time drug-to-drug, drug to allergies and drug to food contraindication alerts at the point of care. DxScript can suggests alternative drugs in the event there is a contraindication or allergy alert for a specific drug. No proprietary hardware or software required. All training and set-ups are performed by qualified, professional Customer Care Engineers at NO COST to the provider(s).
What You Get
Secure HIPAA Compliant
Cloud Based
Integrated PDMP, ePA, RTBC and ODF
Fill Status Alert, Physician Refill Alert
DEA Compliant and certified for EPCS in all 50 States
Designed using AI and Machine Learning Technology
Safari, Chrome and Edge Compatible
Automatic Patient Specific DUR
See what our clients have to say
“DxWeb was integral in assisting our NY customers meet the EPCS deadline.”
The product provided a simple, easy to use solution to a very challenging obstacle. The responsiveness of the staff made the development and roll-out significantly easier than we had imagined.
-Virtural OfficeWare Healthcare Solutions / GE Centricity Partner
“DxScript has definitely been a “win” with regard to setting up my private practice!”
I have been using DxScript for 3 years and have been extremely impressed with both the DxScript program and the customer service. The platform works very well and is simple to use – I have had no issues with website being down, glitchy, slow, etc. It is very helpful to be able to e-prescribe controlled substances.
-Donna Kirchoff, MD, FAAP
“DxScript is easy to use and intuitive in its design so that there is a short learning curve.”
This low cost application is efficient, and easy thereby saving me time and streamlining my daily prescribing activities.
-ER Physician, Dr. Donald Wilson
Controlled Substance Tracking
National PDMP is now integrated within the DxScript®/+EPCS ePrescribing solution.
DxScript/EPCS provides HCPs an easy way to identify patients who may be misusing prescription opioids or other prescription drugs and who may be at risk for overdose. DxScript/+EPCS offers HCPs real time information within the workflow by displaying a patient’s state-specfic PMP (Prescribing Monitoring Program) score. The score is a standardized numeric score developed by the DEA that alerts the HCP to the risks of overdose for any given patient.
All DxWeb products are